Unifying communications your way
The word Unified implies the task is done, whereas in reality, technology is constantly evolving. That is why we prefer to continually……
“Unify Communications”
Our consultancy begins with a look at core business applications and how users access those and not at the products so commonly known. We believe that simply picking a product that has capabilities is not a sound basis for a Unified Communications strategy.
By linking the user to their data and processes without barriers we are able to design a user experience that is supported by a technology. By approaching the question in this way, we are able to consult with a firm foundation and openly discuss the products that can deliver this.
How do we “Unify”
User requirements
As with all of our engagements, we begin with the reason that a project begins, a user’s requirements. If we forget this essential step, we will fail the overall success criteria.
We gather our requirements using the MoSCoW methodology and confirm what Must, Should, Could be delivered and what is a Wish. We engage with our clients at all levels to ensure we construct a balanced view.
Finally we produce a simple list of requirements against which we can use as the basis for a design and sign off the end delivery.
User stories
The application of user requirements into the day to day operation of a business is essential. A requirement without a use is a wasted requirement which is why we always bring things back to a user story.
We create profiles for use cases and stories and how the solution will be mapped to support these. We use the interviews taken during the user requirements gathering to understand the business and reflect these via documented stories.
It is against these that final testing and sign off will be judged
Technology is surprisingly the last element we start with when designing to ensure we remain objective throughout the process. Yes we understand from the outset what is currently used but never as the starting point for a design
We align the available technology against the current company strategy and then apply the user stories and requirements.
Although the majority of our work uses the similar component products, the user experience is unique each time to reflect the unique nature of individual companies.