Who is sourcing your AI crowd and do you trust the information it’s providing?
Using technology to inform User and Customer experience
IOT devices
Connecting devices which are capable of communicating information is just one part of the puzzle. Understanding what information will be reported and why is a critical part of design.
By understanding our customer user journey, we are able to connect the right devices to produce the right information.
Network smart
Networks are constantly evolving and new standards emerging. Deciding how to connect information across your network and how to make it secure is critical to any smart network.
We ensure that your network is designed to discretely accept new and emerging protocols at its core without the need for constant change.
Focus on UX
Gathering data is useless without a purpose and technology cannot create user experiences on its own. Understanding which information will feed into your user experience will decide how successful it is.
Our user experience storyboards show the interaction between available data and how user behaviour is positively affected.
To learn more about our work with Cognitive buildings and UX design, click on the button below
Our latest innovations
Cognitive buildings
“Smart Buildings” and “Connected buildings” are popular acronyms for todays industry. We have however taken a slightly different approach on this and taken it a step further applying cognition to the process and how the technology can be applied. This means the user and customer experience is brought front and centre to the overall design.
We believe that technology should not replace what we expect from a workplace environment and we apply our knowledge of networks, customer and UX design to deliver this in what we call “cognitive buildings”.
Connected devices
By making data available to users on the device of their choice, we are able to tailor the user experience and not constrain the user. Be it an alert, a request or a notification, the exchange of data between user and device allows for a personalised experience.
By making the experience more “cognitive”, steps and barriers are removed to make a customer journey more interactive and less decision based.